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21 Things NOT to Say at a Bachelorette Party

Keep your tongue in check! Make sure the bride has a blast by staying positive and avoiding these sticky subjects during the bachelorette party.

bride and her bridesmaids pose for a selfie with ballons that spell "MRS" in the background

It's the last fling before the ring, which means popping bubbly and getting to spend some quality time with the rest of the wedding party before the bride's big day. In order to avoid drama and make sure everyone has a weekend for the books, make sure you stay far away from these hot topics and snide comments. 

Here are just a few things you shouldn't say at a bachelorette party.

1. Thank goodness you didn’t say yes to that awful ex of yours.

2. I wouldn’t have been in your wedding if you had stayed with your ex.

3. I can’t believe we came all the way to [X location]. Getting here was soooo expensive.

4. Can we try and go somewhere cheap tonight?

5. Work has been so busy—I’m already too exhausted to party and we just got here. 

6. How late are we staying at the bar? I want to wake up early to work out. 

7. Your future sister-in-law is the worst! How do you deal? 

8. Our server is SO cute. I’m going to leave your phone number on the check. 

9. Let’s make you flirt with everyone! It's your last chance! 

10. Do I have to wear that ridiculous (insert matching bach-swag here) tonight?

11. Even if you make me wear it, I’m not taking any group pictures.

group of female and male friends sit on a boat with matching visors and large heart-shaped innertube

12. If I'm being honest, I really hate our bridesmaid dresses.

13. At my bachelorette party, we did this instead and it was so much better. 

14. My bachelorette party is going to be ten times crazier.

15. Remind me not to come here for my bachelorette party.

16. My boyfriend/girlfriend is going to meet us there. Is that okay?

17. You can’t say no to ANYTHING we do tonight. We're in charge! 

18. I’m totally going to talk about this trip in my rehearsal dinner speech.

19. Are you sure she/he is the one?

20. Why am I still single? I'm so alone. OMG I’m never going to get married.

21. I really don’t want to pay for anyone but myself this weekend.