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Bridal Shower Game: Bridal Betting

Entertain your shower guests with this fun take on the traditional “He Said, She Said” game!

bridesmaids getting ready in tanks

bridesmaids getting ready in tanks

Photo: Shaun Reilly Photography

Entertain your shower guests with this fun take on the traditional “He Said, She Said” game!

Here’s how to play this fun bridal betting game.

Before the Shower:

Ask the bride and groom to each submit 20 random, little-known fun facts about themselves in the form of “I” statements. For example, “I can’t stand brussels sprouts” or “I’ve never seen the Pacific Ocean.” Encourage them to get as creative as they’d like.

Alternatively, if you’d like to give them a bit more structure, you can ask them to complete a series of sentences like the ones listed below. These are merely suggestions; feel free to make up your own prompts!

Suggested Phrases:

I can’t leave the house without…
I can’t stand…
When I was a kid, I wanted to be…
The thing I love most about my fiancé is…
If I could have a superpower it would be…
My biggest pet peeve is…
I’m obsessed with…
Someday I’d really like to…
I’ve always wanted to try…
I once went through a phase where…
I hope I never have to…
I wish I knew how to…
I always…
I’ve never...

Choose your 10 favorite phrases from each person, mix them up into a random order, and compile them into one list of 20 phrases. Type up the final list and print a copy for each guest.

Next, create your “betting chips.” We suggest using 2-inch circles like these. Write “Bride” on one side and “Groom” on the other. Create 20 chips per guest. Divide the chips into little baggies labeled with each guest’s name.

At the Shower:

Give each guest a printed list and a baggie of betting chips. Read the phrases out loud one by one and have the guests guess who said what, indicating their guess by flipping a betting chip to the appropriate side. If they guess correctly, they get to keep their chip. If they guest incorrectly, they lose it. When all the phrases run out, the person with the highest number of chips wins!