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9 Ways to Share Your Wedding Photos Without Going Overboard

Look back on your big day by finding the best ways to share your wedding photos without driving your loved ones crazy.

wedding album

wedding album

After your big day has come to an end, it may feel like it went by fast—way too fast. If wedding withdrawal sinks in, don’t fret. You will soon find comfort again when you get your wedding photos back from your photographer! Finding the best ways to share your wedding photos is a great way to relive all of your special moments from your day, but you don’t want to bombard your friends, family and Instagram followers.

To look back on your big day over and over again, here are the best ways to share your wedding photos without annoying all of your loved ones.

Share a sneak pic. 

One of the best parts of post-wedding life is receiving a sneak peek of your wedding photos from your photographer. This might include detail shots or portraits that your photographer sends along as a teaser of what’s to come. Sharing your sneak peek photos will get your social media followers excited to see the full album—it’s one of the best ways to start sharing those wedding photos.

Post those #TBTs.

We love a good #TBT as much as the next person, but try not to overdo it. Not every Thursday requires you to post a photo from your wedding. Limiting your wedding-related throwback posts to once every few weeks ensures that each one feels special, not overdone.

Celebrate anniversaries with social media posts. 

When your anniversary rolls around, share a never-before-seen wedding photo—and when we say anniversary, we don't just mean the date when you got married. Anniversaries can include many things, such as the first time you two met or the first time you said “I love you.” Think out-of-the box and you will be sure to surprise your followers.

Make loved ones' birthdays extra-special.

Share a photo of a loved one from your wedding on his or her birthday. That sweet photo of you and your MOH or best man is one of the best ways to share your wedding photos without actually posting a romantic photo of you and your new spouse.

wedding photos

Break news with some wedding pics. 

Was your S.O. awarded a major promotion at work? Or did you two finally make the big move into a house and out of your old apartment? A special way to break the news would be to feature one of your wedding photos on social media.

Show how you reused your wedding decor. 

Perhaps you had a lounge area at your reception and decided to use the same vintage coffee table in your living room at home. Snap a photo to show everyone how you repurposed the furniture. If your guest book now has a prominent place in your home share a before-and-after photo of how you displayed it at your wedding versus how it is looks in your home now.

Don't skip the wedding album. 

Creating an album is certainly one of the best ways to share your wedding photos in your home. While designing an album can be time-consuming (sites like Artifact Uprising, Mixbook, and Shutterfly make the process really simple), you won’t regret having a well-made photo book to display on your coffee table or other location where guests can easily view it—and ooh and ahh over those gorgeous images.

Create a photo display. 

While having digital photos can be super-convenient and allow you to view and share your images on all of your devices, don’t forget to create some prints of your favorite wedding snapshots. Use those picture frames you got from your wedding registry or a site like Framebridge to created framed images to display those photos in prominent places throughout your home—from your entryway to your bedroom, living room, and beyond.

Get published!

Submitting your photos for potential publication on a site like WeddingWire is one of the best ways to share wedding photos. It also lets others become inspired by your story and give a shout-out to all the vendors who were involved. Want your wedding to be considered for a feature on our site? Visit for more information.

Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, some of which may be sponsored by paying vendors.